Tuesday, February 13, 2018

And One More Thing....

Years ago, just a few months before Matt performed the proper and very old-fashioned act of asking for Ann's hand in marriage, Blake penned a wry, wondering, and almost touching, essay about being the father of the bride...and just one step on the road to...being a grandfather.  Embedded in the piece was a daydream, a tableau, of Blake sitting on his front porch surrounded by and dispensing words of wisdom to a circle of grandchildren. 

What makes this a mere vision is the notion that Grandpa's grandkids would sit still long enough to receive much less pay heed to grandfatherly advice. Not to worry, because Grandpa Blake is more into teasing and kidding and telling stories to the young ones than waxing philosophic.  He marshals his punditry and saves his very strong opinions for, say, the management of the St. Louis Cardinals...
Image result for mike matheny dugout
He's full of advice for Mike Matheny!
And what about me? If the life I am living doesn't exhibit what I have believed or have learned, then my stint as a sage should be pretty short and as highly regarded as Grandpa's tall tales about going to Texas....
To: Aaron and Lizzie,  Gabe and Abbie, Josh and Levi:
Be curious.  Ask the question, learn the name, make the trip, read the book, take the class.  Be enthralled with your surroundings and walk with your eyes and ears open to the details and wonders around you.  You will amass more books than you will ever read and chances are you will forget names and places and dates you should remember...but you will have known them once and might still get asked to play Trivia.  
Do one more thing before you go to bed.  Achieving one task no matter how mundane before you sleep makes you feel as if you've got a leg up on the next day.  So put the coffee cups away or start the wash or match some socks....Or maybe that's just me....
Play music, sing music, listen to music.  The cares and worries of the day will fade to gray and you will be refreshed.  Your music brain will ''cure what ails you."  In the same vein, read your Bible.  Not just in times of need, but routinely. Read a Psalm, or a Letter, or some of your Lord's Red Letter Words to His disciples.  Practice makes perfect...in music...and routine makes for good habits makes for self discipline. Romans 5:4 puts it this way: "and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."
Lift up your face to the world.  Smile at those you meet or give them the good old country wave.  Take a good look around as you go on your way. Your moms and dads are doing a great job of teaching you to work and study and be kind.  I'm just reminding you to multitask and be cheerful at the same time.
I would tell you to plant flowers, but that might be too much pressure! Just because weeding and dirt, daylilies and terracotta are home for me doesn't mean that flowers will be for you. But taking pictures should!  Reflecting on the past cannot help but reinforce an attitude of gratitude, whether boisterous or pensive, joyful or tearful.  Enjoying the good times as recorded in pictures stretches time, brings loved ones from the past to the present and places and stories long gone and forgotten back to mind. Take the pictures....and tell the stories to your children...and your grandchildren...as they gather around you on the couch.

Or on that front porch....

Oh.... one more piece of advice.

Visit your grandma.  

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