Sunday, November 23, 2014

Somewhere Between....


The harvest lights are still burning when the Christmas wreaths are hung.

There's a great old country song to which I have referred before...the lyrics go something like this:
"Somewhere between Playboy magazine.....
And what all the dog did today..."
The song is talking about love and romance and routine and boredom and keeping marriage on the side of love and romance while dealing with the routine and the mundane....
It could be a blogpost all on its own! Or an advice column in someone else's hand.  But...despite the fact that my brain moves seamlessly...and uncontrollably.... from one song lyric to another, "somewhere between" in this title refers to holidays.  In particular the marvelous perilous strenuous...and joyous....weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

These are the weeks of Advent.  Our Lutheran church wore somber purple at Advent as we prepared our hearts every Wednesday night for the Incarnation of our Lord.  Despite the somber hangings Advent is a season of anticipation, promise, pent up excitement and barely concealed joy...

So what better time to be generous, to gift, to give of our hearts and talents, to spread our happiness across the fruited plain?  To reach out and have happiness handed back?  I've signed up for all of the above...and invite you to do so as well.  Read all about the "Christmas in the Country 2014"gift exchange and sign up if you'd like to start celebrating here "somewhere between" generous Thanksgiving and  joyful Christmas......

Christmas in the Country 2014

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